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UN Global Compact

The UN Global Compact invites companies to embrace, support and enact within their sphere of influence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environment, and anti-corruption.

The UN Global Compact was launched in July 2000 to establish an open partnership between the private sector and the international community.

The objective is to combine the very best of the UN, such as moral authority and convening power with the private sector’s solution-finding strengths and resources. By doing so, the business world, are capable of contributing positively to a more sustainable and inclusive global economy benefitting societies as well as safeguarding the environment.

The UN Global Compact is not a regulatory instrument, but rather a voluntarily initiatives that relies on public accountability, transparency and disclosure to complement regulation and to provide space for innovation.

Companies are asked to:

Make the UN Global Compact and its principles an integral part of its business strategy, day-to-day operations, and organization culture

Incorporate the UN Global Compact and its principles in the decision-making processes of the highest-level governance body (i.e. board)

Engage in partnerships to advance broader development objectives such as the eight UN Millennium Development Goals 2015

Submit an annual Communication on Progress report describing the ways in which it has implemented the principles of the UN Global Compact and how it supports broader development objectives

Advance the UN Global Compact and the case of responsible business practices through advocacy and active outreach to peers, partners, clients, consumers and the public at large.

Karen Blixen Camp supports the UN Global Compact

Karen Blixen Camp supports the Principles of the UN Global Compact and the eight UN Millennium Development Goals 2015. We are obliged to submit an annual Communication on Progress to both the UN Global Compact and the IFU, the Investment fund for developing countries, who reviews our CSR practices and strategies.

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